Nebraska Public Power District Plans New Substation and Line Extensions
May 21, 2009
The Nebraska Public Power District at its May 2009 Board of Directors' meeting in Columbus, Nebraska, approved a number of capital projects involving power delivery.
The Nebraska Public Power District at its May 2009 Board of Directors' meeting in Columbus, NE approved a number of capital projects involving power delivery. These included:
The purchase of 11 acres in South Sioux City for the construction of a 115/69-kV substation.
The installation of service lines, transformer, and related equipment to support the Cash-Wa expansion in Kearney.
A line extension project to support the Village of Sutherland's new well field.
Replacement of 15, 115-kV line pole structures between Columbus and Genoa.
Removal of the overhead distribution lines and addition of new, primary underground extensions to support the AGRI Co-op Elevator expansion in Alma.
A circuit breaker replacement at the Oakland substation.
The Board also approved the following contracts for Customer and Support Services:
A contract with Areva T&D, Inc., for 63 power circuit breakers.
A contract with General Cable Corporation at a price of for transmission line conductor.
A contract with Asplundh Tree Expert Co. at a cost of for transmission line right-of-way tree clearing and vegetation control.
A contract for 33,908 electric meters to support NPPD's automated meter communications system in 17 retail communities awarded as Parts I, II, III, IV, V and VII to Kriz-Davis Co. for a total of; and Part VI awarded to Graybar Electric Company, Inc..
A contract with Stella-Jones Corporation for 250 transmission wood poles.
A contract with The L.E. Myers Co. for the construction of a 115-kV switching station near Steele City.
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