ENTSO-E (European Network for Transmission System Operators for Electricity) welcomes the European Commission's legislative proposal for a Regulation on guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure. The proposal addresses the most critical issues for the development of the electricity infrastructure required for Europe to meet its ambitious energy policy objectives: The benefits from streamlining permitting processes for priority infrastructure investments pave the way to meet those objectives. The proposed financing and regulatory instruments improve the overall context for delivering the necessary infrastructure on time.
ENTSO-E also supports the pragmatic approach to prioritize projects based on regional decision making as it involves all key actors (Member States, Regulators, TSOs). All this, under an EU framework whose consistency is ensured by the non-binding Union-wide Ten-Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP) with a central role as the main starting point for identifying projects of common interest.
ENTSO-E will further cooperate with the Commission so as to clarify the criteria for selecting projects of common interest that, for example, should also take into account integration of renewables and security of supply on the basis of the information provided in the TYNDP. Regulatory issues and financing will also benefit from further consideration in order to advance beyond "business as usual" scenarios. In particular a sound regulatory EU framework for investments is a prerequisite to ensure sufficient access to capital and debt for network developers.
ENTSO-E strongly supports the overall direction of the legislative proposal and will continue to work with the Commission, policy makers, ACER and other interested parties on the necessary improvements and its effective implementation.