Sea Breeze Power Corp., on behalf of its affiliate, Sea Breeze Olympic Converter, LP, has filed a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (D-EIS) prepared for the Juan de Fuca Cable with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The submission of the D-EIS, which was prepared by Bonneville Power Authority, is a significant permitting milestone in the United States for the Juan de Fuca Cable.
The Juan de Fuca Cable is a 550-MW High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Light® international submarine transmission line that will connect Vancouver Island and Washington State’s Olympic Peninsula. On September 7, 2006, the Juan de Fuca Cable became the first international merchant transmission line to gain approval from Canada’s National Energy Board.
Interested parties and the general public have the opportunity to comment on the draft, after which the Final Environmental Impact Statement will be released. A decision from the DOE will be issued approximately 30 days from the publication of “Notice of Availability of the Final EIS” in the U.S. Federal Register.
Sea Breeze initiated the process for a Presidential Permit in December, 2004, which will be granted subject to determination by the DOE that the project is in the public interest. The EIS process is required under the U.S. National Environmental Policy Act, and describes and evaluates the environmental impacts of the project, and which mitigation measures, if any, would be appropriate.
Notice of the D-EIS for the Juan de Fuca Cable can be found in the Federal Register, dated March 9, 2007.