Statnett has awarded contracts for the Ørskog-Fardal (Sogndal) project. The contract for the construction of power lines from Ørskog in Sunnmøre to Ålfoten in Sogn og Fjordane County was awarded to Consorzio Italia 2000. The other contract was awarded to Dalekovod who will construct the Ålfoten-Sogndal section.
Statnett has also awarded a contract to the AF Gruppen for part delivery of foundation work.
SB Skog won the contract for forest clearance and Erling Rolstad AS was awarded the contract for foundation work at Moskog and Høyanger transformer stations.
So far contracts totaling approximately NOK 1.3 billion have been awarded. The remaining contracts will be awarded in the winter of 2012. The development work will initially commence in those sections of the Ørskog-Fardal section for which Statnett has been granted a licence. Contracts awarded to several Norwegian contractors
The power line contract has been divided into two main contracts. Moreover, parts of the main foundation work have been divided into a separate contract. ”Splitting up the project into several power line contract packages was a strategic decision that Statnett made to promote competition and, at the same time, pave the way for Norwegian businesses.
”We were glad to see good international competition for the power line contracts in this project. Moreover, we were pleased that several Norwegian suppliers were able to compete for important deliveries to one of Statnett’s largest grid development projects,” says Executive Vice President Håkon Borgen.