Hydro Investing $57 Million in the Provincial Electricity System in 2009

June 25, 2009
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro (Hydro) is investing $57 million in 2009 throughout Newfoundland and Labrador to ensure the continued safety and reliability of the provincial electricity system.

Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro (Hydro) is investing $57 million in 2009 throughout Newfoundland and Labrador to ensure the continued safety and reliability of the provincial electricity system.

“Hydro makes significant annual investments in the provincial electricity system to provide safe and reliable service to our customers,” explained Jim Haynes, Hydro’s Vice President of Regulated Operations. “Our top priority is to ensure the safety of our employees and the public, followed by our commitment to provide a dependable power supply to Newfoundlanders and Labradorians in an environmentally responsible manner.”

The 2009 capital program is focused on upgrading and replacing aged and deteriorated equipment and infrastructure. Hydro is committed to using new and more efficient technologies that will in turn provide a more reliable service to customers and reduce the company’s impact on the environment.

Over $31 million will be invested in Hydro’s Transmission and Rural Operations, including upgrades, repairs and replacement of insulators, poles, and transmission and distribution lines throughout the province. Hydro’s annual Wood Pole Line Management Program (WPLM) continues in 2009 with a $2.3 million investment. This year, Hydro intends to inspect approximately 2200 transmission and distribution poles in Newfoundland and Labrador to determine their quality and refurbish approximately 230 poles based on last year’s WPLM assessment. Other key projects on Hydro’s distribution system include an upgrade to the St. Anthony distribution line and pole replacement on the distribution system in Jackson’s Arm and Hampden on the Great Northern Peninsula.

“Our company continuously looks at the condition and life expectancy of our assets to ensure we complete capital work at the right time,” says Haynes. “Many components of Hydro’s electricity system are exceeding an age of 30 to 40 years old and we require continuous, responsible planning and annual investment to ensure our infrastructure is in sound working condition to meet our customer’s expectations for reliable service.”

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