Work to connect new electrical switchgear and protection equipment has started as part of the Camperdown zone substation upgrade, according to Ausgrid’s General Manager Transmission Brett Hooper. The substation was built in the 1930s and helps supply power to about 15,000 homes and businesses in the Sydney, Australia area.
Electrical switchgear was delivered onsite last month and skilled crews are now working to install this equipment. Switchgear allows Ausgrid to distribute power to different parts of the network.
Hooper said the demand for electricity during peak times was growing at more than three per cent a year in the local area. "The original substation has performed well, but it’s now time to replace it,” Hooper said.
"We're also making sure the new substation can cater for the growing peak demand for power in the Inner West."
The network of powerlines connecting to the substation is also being upgraded from 5,000 V to 11,000 V. The 5,000-V network is one of the oldest working components of the Ausgrid network. The substation will be powering local homes and businesses by the end of the year.
Camperdown zone substation includes:
- Five 33-MVA, 33/11-kV transformers
- 26 control and protection panels
- 22 panels of 11-kV switchgear.