ALEGrO was built to address several emerging system needs. Firstly, to help boost the security of supply for both countries by providing access to additional generation capacity they could make use of should they have insufficient generation available to meet their own needs. Secondly, it was built to enable a better and more efficient integration of intermittent renewable energy into the system: The interconnector allows renewable electricity produced in one country to be exported to the other. Thirdly, ALEGrO was built to allow for an increase in price convergence — ultimately benefiting consumers through more stable, affordable prices.
Interconnector Route
The final route was determined following close consultation with a range of stakeholder groups to ensure its impact on the environment (including Natura 2000 zones) and local communities would be minimized. Moreover, once construction work started, progress on each section in Belgium was communicated to members of the public via a dedicated website.
Phased Construction
On the German side, as part of the permitting procedure for the interconnector, the land along the route had to be checked for possible unexploded ordnance and archaeological artefacts. The construction work was contracted as different lots for open construction, horizontal directional drilling and micro-tunneling. The process of site clearance proved to be particularly challenging, given most of the German route crosses farmland, which carried restrictions in terms of how the soil must be handled.
Converter Stations
Cable Systems
The cabling system was thoroughly tested before use, as experience with 320-kV HVDC XLPE cables was very limited at the time. The system successfully passed an extended testing program, including specific project-based tests that simulated temporary overvoltages that could occur in the system.
Micro-Tunnel In Belgium
Commercial Operation
Evolved Flow-Based Approach
Adopting a standard approach for ALEGrO, like the net transfer capacity calculation used for Nemo Link and other HVDC interconnectors, was not possible, because the capacity of ALEGrO and optimal flow of energy across it could not be determined in isolation. This led the teams involved to create and adopt a new approach that had never been used before: the evolved flow-based approach (EFB), which is one step further than the flow-based approach implemented in 2015 across the Central Western Europe (CWE) capacity calculation region. (Note that since 2015, the CWE capacity calculation region has been merged with the Central Eastern Europe capacity calculation region, forming a new region called Core. In June 2022, the flow-based market coupling mechanism was extended to cover the day-ahead time frame across all 13 countries of Core.)