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Composite Structures

April 22, 2022
Compared to those made from traditional materials (e.g., wood, steel, concrete), they offer better resiliency and easier maintenance, both of which make for a superior long-term investment.

Creative Composites Group designs and manufactures composite structures for utility infrastructure applications, such as transmission and distribution poles, light poles, and crossarms. Compared to those made from traditional materials (e.g., wood, steel, concrete), they offer better resiliency and easier maintenance, both of which make for a superior long-term investment.

One significant benefit of utilizing fiberglass composite distribution and transmission poles is their inherent corrosion resistance. Fiberglass poles will not rot, rust, or spall when faced with extreme weather conditions. Additionally, fiberglass poles can play a vital part in storm hardening strategies due to their resilience when facing high-speed winds.

After seeing an increase in pole failures due to deterioration and an increase in dangerous pole fires, many electric companies and utility companies are looking to use fiberglass for their poles and crossarms to reduce the risk of pole top fires and short-term damages. Unlike other fiberglass poles on the market, our addition of the FRP FireSleeve gives its composite poles an advantage. The FireSleeve acts as a shield, reacting to heat and promoting cooling during a fire to protect the pole from extreme temperatures. Our FRP poles, fitted with the FireSleeve, have demonstrated the ability to withstand heat in excess of the glass transition temperature [at which carbon chains begin to move] without post-event permanent loss of strength. That means utilities can inspect a pole’s temperature profile post-fire, keep it in service, and be confident it will remain structurally sound.

Creative Composites Group |
Booth #6544

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