A few days ago, Dr. Satish Ranade from New Mexico State University called to talk. During my graduate school days he was my teacher, advisor, and most importantly my friend. The friendship has continued. It doesn't matter how long ago graduate school was; when Satish' voice hit my ear, the years disappeared. Conditioning took over – had I forgotten an assignment? Go ahead and laugh, but think about it. I suspect we all have those in our lives with this ability. It can be a parent, teacher, or mentor; they impacted our lives in a very positive way. We still respond to that positive influence and we are still the kid in their presence. Satish has been beating the financial bushes (not an easy task with the current state of the economy). He has raised enough money so far to send six undergraduate and six graduate students from NMSU to the PES Expo. Keep in mind; this is not going to be party time in Chicago. Satish works very hard finding sponsors and expects his students actually to learn something. As we talked, I could see the direction we were going. I volunteered to meet his students at the Expo one afternoon and take them on a tour of the exhibit floor. Not only that, Satish expects me to explain whatever equipment we might run into (how am I going to explain those green electrons), and excite them over the prospects of working in our industry. This is going to be fun! When was the last time you visited with one of your professors? I hope it hasn't been too long ago. I'd welcome any and all comments. I'd welcome any and all comments.