When you talk with Carl Segneri you can't help getting excited. He is totally focused on the pending PES T&D Expo and showing off Chicago at its best. With less than a week to go he says, “You can taste the excitement in the air.” Carl is the Chairman of the Organization Committee. In 15 minutes, he gave me a two hour overview of the gargantuan effort taking place to host this event – I got excited. The “Windy City Wise Guys” (30 organizing leaders) have worked for roughly two years arranging for hotels (over 20 last count), food service, transportation (18 buses), technical sessions (rooms, projectors, etc. in McCormick Place), and volunteers. Yep - an army of over 320 volunteers has been assembled. The volunteers are the key to a successful Expo. They will be giving us directions, staffing information desks, riding on the shuttle buses, manning the bus stops, guiding our companions, and most importantly being a friendly face in crowd we can turn to for help when needed. With over 20% of the Expo attendees coming from overseas, Carl explained one of the biggest challenges was finding interpreters. Fortunately the team has found a couple of dozen volunteers with this talent –these “Wise Guys” are on top of it. I'd welcome any and all comments.