When Lower Valley Energy (Jackson, Wyoming, U.S.) needed a new, aesthetically-pleasing and cost-effective screening wall for an existing substation, without interrupting operations, it turned to precast concrete fencing from Superior Concrete Products (Euless, Texas, U.S.).
Lower Valley Energy faced several limiting criteria in selecting a screening wall for its East Jackson Substation: a natural appearance to blend with the environment, limited installation space, and cost effectiveness including low repair and maintenance costs. This combination ruled out masonry, wood, block, chain-link and metal fencing, leaving Lower Valley Energy with the clear solution: a decorative precast concrete screening wall. Superior Concrete engineers consulted with the utility to design a 175-ft (53-m) long by 10-ft (3-m) high precast concrete wall with a footing/pier system that would require little space — allowing the substation to operate during construction — and that would withstand the wind loads, weather extremes and soil conditions for the substation.
To meet the aesthetic criteria, Lower Valley Energy chose Superior Concrete's Superior Stone design with its two-sided stone texture in an integral “buff” earth-tone color. The unique wall design also solved Lower Valley Energy's space issue. Unlike block or masonry walls, which need a continuous foundation, Superior's precast concrete walls only require a narrow drill shaft every five feet for the pier foundation system. The drill shaft is augured with a small bobcat and, therefore, eliminates the need for large excavation equipment. As a result, the installation was completed in only 10 days, without interrupting or affecting the substation's operation.
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