Photo by Andreas Weber, Dreamstime.
A village in Bavaria.

Amprion, E.ON Develop Decentralized Power Grid Booster

May 17, 2023
The decentralized grid booster improves grid stability, saves costs, and will be first implemented in Bavarian Swabia by LEW Verteilnetz.

Amprion and E.ON have developed a solution called the decentralized grid booster, which integrates modular battery storage systems into E.ON’s distribution grid. This pioneering concept improves grid stability, saves costs, and will be first implemented in Bavarian Swabia by LEW Verteilnetz (LVN), a regional grid operator within the E.ON Group.

The Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) has approved Amprion’s implementation of this new grid booster concept. Grid boosters are large battery storage units that quickly respond to disturbances in the transmission grid, preventing overloads and subsequent damages. With the ability to deliver power within seconds, grid boosters eliminate the need for costly preemptive redispatch measures.

The decentralized grid booster employs smaller modular battery storage systems at the distribution grid level, reducing connection costs, increasing availability, and improving flexibility. These modular components can be implemented more efficiently and have minimal environmental impact. By reducing the need for grid interventions, the grid booster enhances overall system efficiency. The decentralized modules have a combined capacity of nearly 250 MW.

LEW Verteilnetz (LVN) in Bavarian Swabia will be the first to deploy this innovative system, with implementation scheduled for 2026. Through the introduction of the decentralized grid booster, Amprion and E.ON are making significant advancements in improving grid stability, optimizing resource use and promoting sustainable energy solutions.

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