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Hitachi ABB, GE Units Pair to Reduce Environmental Impact of Transmission Industry

April 22, 2021
GE and Hitachi ABB entered into a non-exclusive, cross-licensing agreement that will allow them to expand their range of high-voltage equipment using a gas alternative to sulfur hexafluoride

Hitachi ABB Power Grids Ltd. and GE Renewable Energy’s Grid Solutions business signed a non-exclusive, cross-licensing agreement related to the use of an alternative gas to sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) used in high voltage equipment.

This fluoronitrile-based gas mixture has a reduced impact on the environment compared to SF6.

Under this agreement announced between two global leaders in power technologies – both companies will share complementary intellectual property related to their respective SF6-free solutions. This will help accelerate the use of fluoronitrile-based eco-efficient insulation and switching gas in high-voltage equipment as an alternative to SF6.

A recent EU Commission report concluded that fluorinitrile-based gas mixtures may be the only insulating and switching gas alternative to SF6 when space is a constraint.

The agreement paves the way for a standard SF6-free solution for high-voltage equipment in the coming years. This would enable utilities and industries to accelerate their reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, while facilitating their ability to plan, as well as operate and maintain their networks thanks to standardized services and the use of the same auxiliary equipment.

For almost half a century, SF6 gas has been the norm in the electrical power transmission and distribution industry due to its physical properties. It is, however a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming if leaked. For this reason, Hitachi ABB Power Grids and GE have been investing in the development of better alternatives to SF6.

The two companies will keep the product development, manufacturing, sales, marketing and service activities of their gas solutions fully independent. Each company will continue to independently grant and set terms of licenses to its respective intellectual property, hence preserving supplier base diversity for the industry and fair competition.

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