
Wouldn't 6-Phase AC be an Optimal Choice in Some Cases?

June 19, 2016
You Be a Grid Master! We get questions from the utility industry. Here's your chance to show your expertise by providing answers. Best answer of the month wins a $50 gift card. Enter it in the comment section and make sure you complete site registration and verification (free). You must be verified to win!

Q: As power needs go up, and transmission corridor availability goes down, wouldn't six-phase (versus three) AC be an optimal choice in some cases? Is anyone looking at this?

You Be a Grid Master!
We get questions from the utility industry. Here's your chance to show your expertise by providing answers. Best answer of the month wins a $50 gift card. Enter it in the comment section and make sure you complete site registration and verification (free). You must complete the registration verification to win!

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