
Featured Poll: Are You Prepared for a Cyber Attack?

Jan. 11, 2016
Our sister site, The Energy Times, recently published an interview with Ted Koppel on the cyber threat to the grid.

Our sister site, The Energy Times, recently published an interview with Ted Koppel on the cyber threat to the grid. Koppel has written a book called Lights Out, in which he maintains a major cyberattack on America’s power grid is not only possible but likely, that it would be devastating, and that the United States is shockingly unprepared. (Register for The Energy Times' upcoming cyber threat webinar).

“Imagine a blackout lasting not days, but weeks or months. Tens of millions of people over several states are affected. For those without access to a generator, there is no running water, no sewage, no refrigeration or light. Food and medical supplies are dwindling. Devices we rely on have gone dark. Banks no longer function, looting is widespread, and law and order are being tested as never before,” the book description reads.  

“It isn’t just a scenario. A well-designed attack on just one of the nation’s three electric power grids could cripple much of our infrastructure—and in the age of cyberwarfare, a laptop has become the only necessary weapon. Several nations hostile to the United States could launch such an assault at any time.”

Koppel contends that the federal government, while well prepared for natural disasters, has no plan for the aftermath of an attack on the power grid.  The current Secretary of Homeland Security suggests keeping a battery-powered radio.

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