
Power Line Aesthetics

Oct. 15, 2015
You Be a Grid Master! We get questions from the utility industry. Here's your chance to show your expertise by providing answers. Best answer of the month wins a $50 gift card. Enter it in the comment section and make sure you complete site registration and verification (free). You must be verified to win!

Q: Last month’s question re crooked wooden poles didn’t go far enough. In the San Francisco Bay Area where I used to live, the older wooden poles often were curved, warped, leaning and in every way really ugly. I understand there are new pole materials available – steel, iron, concrete and even plastics. Since the price of wood has gone up considerably in the last decade, aren't these materials becoming more cost competitive with wood? Even if they aren’t, I think many customers would be willing to have their rates go up a few percentage points to have better looking power lines?
-Anon, CA

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We get questions from the utility industry. Here's your chance to show your expertise by providing answers. Best answer of the month wins a $50 gift card. Enter it in the comment section and make sure you complete site registration and verification (free). You must complete the registration verification to win!

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