ABBs PASS now available in 420kV

PASS steps up

Oct. 11, 2015
ALBERTO ZULATI – ABB's trademarked Plug and Switch System (PASS) is a high-voltage hybrid switchgear that is preassembled, pretested and easy to transport. With no high-voltage testing required on-site, installation and commissioning is rapid. ABB recently stepped up the voltage level of PASS and it is now available for 72.5 kV to 420 kV applications.  

For many, the world of high-voltage equipment has always been divided between air-insulated switchgear (AIS) and gas-insulated switchgear (GIS). Previously, space requirements usually predicated which option was chosen – with GIS allowing a far more compact, though more expensive, substation footprint. Stated simplistically: AIS was the preferred choice in rural areas while GIS was usually chosen in urban settings. This picture changed dramatically some 20 years ago when ABB introduced PASS.

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