
Featured Poll: Print or Digital?

June 4, 2015
How about you? How have you adapted to the print-to-digital revolution?

It wasn’t that many years ago when I used to carry various magazines and documents around in my briefcase with the hope that I’d have time to read them while commuting or on a plane. I’d mark-up articles or tear pages out but usually I’d periodically get into an organizing fury and put everything somewhere in my overcrowded office and start all over.

Then some of my favorite magazines started offering digital versions. So I bought first a Kindle and then an iPad and began reading digitized documents and even ebooks. But not everything is available in digital form. And to be honest I still like to mark-up and save some reading in cabinet files. So now it’s a mixed bag (briefcase?) - I carry around an electronic reader and/or a small laptop plus some paper print.

How about you? How have you adapted to the print-to-digital revolution?

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