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Southern Co. Announces Internal Fleet Electrification Goal

Oct. 29, 2020
Internal fleet goal is part of a larger focus on electrification of the transportation industry.

Southern Co. recently announced an internal fleet electrification goal as part of National Drive Electric Week 2020. The company plans to convert 50% of its electric companies' fleet vehicles in the auto/SUV/minivan, forklift, and ATV/cart/miscellaneous equipment segments to electric by 2030.

In May, Southern Co. announced a goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. The internal fleet goal released recently is part of a larger focus on electrification of the transportation industry and commitment to sustainability and clean energy.

"Moving people and goods with electricity represents a substantial opportunity for our customers, communities, and the environment. From setting our own internal fleet electrification goals to working with businesses on solutions for their fleets, at Southern Co. we're driving electric to integrate value and sustainability," said Nicole Faulk, Georgia Power senior vice president for corporate and customer services.

"Electricity powers nearly every aspect of our lives and we're bringing that sustainable energy to transportation. Electric vehicles (EVs) and equipment are clean, efficient, economical, and quiet, create U.S. jobs and contribute to energy independence," said Lincoln Wood, electrification policy manager at Southern Co. "By combining our affordable electricity rates with our electric transportation programs, we help communities and businesses reduce their cost and environmental impact. Customers save on fueling their transportation needs, while commercial businesses increase efficiency by using electricity to transport their goods."

National Drive Electric Week, Sept. 26 to Oct. 4, is a nationwide celebration to raise awareness of all-electric and plug-in hybrid, trucks, motorcycles, and more. They are better for the environment, have a lower total cost of operation than gasoline or diesel vehicles, promote local jobs, and reduce dependence on foreign oil.

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A model of an electrical substation. Net zero or real zero energy by 2050 has dramatic implications on the current planning, design, operations and maintenance of the electric transmission and distribution grid that delivers that energy. Photo 6794713 © Pavel Losevsky | Dreamstime.com
Photo 115192453 © Korn Vitthayanukarun | Dreamstime.com