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Hurricanes Harvey and Irma may be in linemen's rearview mirror, but these storms will likely be remembered for years to come. To honor excellence in power restoration following these hurricanes, the Edison Electric Institute (EEI) recently announced the recipients of the 2018 Emergency Response Awards. The following companies were selected due to their ability to respond to a crisis swiftly and efficiently; overcome difficult circumstances; use unique or innovative recovery techniques; communicate effectively with customers; and restore service promptly.
After the hurricanes, EEI gave awards in two different categories: Recovery awards for those utilities directly impacted and Assistance Awards for those companies who came to the impacted utilities' aid. Here are the recipients of the 2018 awards for hurricane restoration along with photos from the restoration efforts.
Harvey Recovery Awards
- AEP Texas
- CenterPoint Energy
- Entergy Corporation
Irma Recovery Awards
- Duke Energy
- Florida Power & Light Company
- Florida Public Utilities
- FortisTCI
- Georgia Power Company
- South Carolina Electric & Gas
- Tampa Electric
Harvey & Irma Assistance Awards
- AEP Ohio (Harvey & Irma)
- Alabama Power Company (Harvey & Irma)
- Alectra Utilities Corp. (Irma)
- Alliant Energy Corporation (Irma)
- Ameren Illinois (Harvey & Irma)
- Ameren Missouri (Harvey & Irma)
- American Electric Power Company (Harvey & Irma)
- American Transmission Company (Irma)
- Appalachian Power Company (Harvey & Irma)
- Arizona Public Service Company (Irma)
- Atlantic City Electric (Irma)
- Avista Corporation (Irma)
- Baltimore Gas and Electric Company (Irma)
- Black Hills Energy (Irma)
- CenterPoint Energy (Irma)
- Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation (Irma)
- Central Maine Power (Irma)
- Cleco Power (Harvey & Irma)
- Commonwealth Edison Company (Irma)
- Consolidated Edison Company of New York (Irma)
- Consumers Energy (Irma)
- Dayton Power & Light (Irma)
- Delmarva Power (Irma)
- Dominion Energy (Irma)
- DTE Energy (Irma)
- Duke Energy (Harvey)
- Duquesne Light Company (Irma)
- El Paso Electric (Irma)
- Emera Inc. (Irma)
- Emera Maine (Irma)
- Empire District (Harvey & Irma)
- Entergy Corporation (Harvey & Irma)
- Eversource Energy (Irma)
- FirstEnergy Corp. (Irma)
- Fortis (Irma)
- Green Mountain Power (Irma)
- Gulf Power Company (Irma)
- Hydro Ottawa (Irma)
- Hydro One Networks Inc. (Irma)
- Hydro-Quebec (Irma)
- Indiana Michigan Power Company (Harvey & Irma)
- Indianapolis Power & Light (Irma)
- ITC Holdings Corp. (Irma)
- Kansas City Power & Light Company (Harvey & Irma)
- Kentucky Power Company (Harvey & Irma)
- LG&E and KU Energy (Harvey & Irma)
- Madison Gas and Electric Company (Irma)
- MidAmerican Energy Company (Irma)
- Minnesota Power (Irma)
- Mississippi Power Company (Irma)
- National Grid (Irma)
- New York State Electric & Gas (Irma)
- Northern Indiana Public Service Company (Irma)
- NV Energy (Irma)
- Oklahoma Gas & Electric Company (Harvey & Irma)
- Oncor (Harvey & Irma)
- Orange and Rockland Utilities (Irma)
- Otter Tail Power Company (Irma)
- Pacific Gas & Electric Company (Irma)
- PECO (Irma)
- Pepco (Irma)
- PPL Electric Utilities (Irma)
- PSEG Long Island (Irma)
- Public Service Company of Oklahoma (Harvey & Irma)
- Public Service Electric & Gas Company (Irma)
- Puget Sound Energy (Irma)
- Rochester Gas & Electric Corporation (Irma)
- Rocky Mountain Power (Irma)
- South Carolina Electric & Gas (Irma)
- Southern California Edison (Irma)
- Southwestern Electric Power Company (Harvey & Irma)
- Superior Water, Light & Power (Irma)
- The United Illuminating Company (Irma)
- TNMP (Irma)
- Toronto Hydro (Irma)
- Tucson Electric Power (Irma)
- Unitil Corporation (Irma)
- Upper Peninsula Power Company (Irma)
- Vectren Corporation (Irma)
- We Energies (Irma)
- Westar Energy (Harvey & Irma)
- Wisconsin Public Service (Irma)
- Xcel Energy (Irma)