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Lineman Celebration Week: Show Your Team Spirit

Sept. 21, 2020
Send in your team photos from recent International Lineman's Rodeos for a special photo gallery.

During the International LIneman's Rodeo, journeymen linemen compete in teams of three. To make it to the awards stage, they must not only get the tasks done in the fastest time frame, but also work together and get the least number of deductions and the most points. 

During our 2020 Lineman Celebration Week, we will be devoting Thursday to our special Rodeo teams. Email Field Editor Amy Fischbach with your photos of your teams practicing or competing at a recent Rodeo. Please make sure you include:

1. The names and job titles for everyone on your Rodeo team pictured in the photo. 

2. The name and location of your utility. 

3. Your tips on how to work well as a team at the International Lineman's Rodeo. 

4. Any special awards you have earned at past Rodeos. 

Also, you can email Amy with a short video with your teammates describing why you like to compete in the International Lineman's Rodeo, and we will share it on Team Thursday. 

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