Edison Electric Institute (EEI) Executive Director of Security and Preparedness Scott Aaronson released the following statement on EEI's efforts to coordinate with the federal government and industry partners to support power restoration and recovery efforts in Puerto Rico.
"The primary focus in Puerto Rico has been on the distribution of commodities such as food, water, and fuel for temporary power at critical facilities, as well as improving security, removing debris, and clearing roads. As these operations bring stability to Puerto Rico, efforts are shifting to long-term recovery and restoration of critical infrastructure, including the energy grid.
"The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has been tasked with leading power restoration efforts on the island and will be working directly with the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority on this mission.
"Along with our colleagues at the American Public Power Association and the Electricity Subsector Coordinating Council, EEI will continue to monitor the progress of this restoration mission and will work closely with all industry mutual assistance networks to ensure that any additional worker and resource needs are addressed quickly. EEI member companies and the entire electric power industry stand ready to support the long-term recovery efforts in Puerto Rico.
"EEI also is tracking a new storm in the southern Gulf of Mexico that could threaten the Gulf Coast this weekend. The electric power sector remains in close coordination during this already historic hurricane season, and CEOs from electric companies in the new storm's path already have convened to prepare the industry and our customers for the possibility of another significant weather event."