Power has been restored to all of the customers in the Baton Rouge, Louisiana, area, who can safely receive it. According to the latest report from Entegery, some houses are still underwater in the St. Amant, Sorrento and False River areas, and it may take some time to re-energize an estimated 2,000 customers whose flood damage was so severe they cannot yet be re-connected. Entergy will continue working with these customers on an individual basis until their power can be restored.
The historic flooding of south Louisiana began Aug. 12 as a tropical-type weather system brought record-breaking rainfall and record-setting crests of local rivers, bayous and tributaries.
The flooding began north of Baton Rouge and made its way south for more than a week. Overall, 32,157 electric customers were affected. In addition, about 22,000 gas meters in Baton Rouge were submerged by floodwater and will have to be replaced.
“As we continue the next phase of our restoration process, we want customers to know that we will work closely with them to get their power back on,” said Dennis Dawsey, vice president of customer service for Louisiana. “We appreciate their cooperation and patience.”
More than 1,000 workers from Entergy’s four-state service territory of Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi and Louisiana assisted in the restoration process. Crews worked tirelessly with government agencies to prevent substations and critical systems from being damaged by floodwaters. Other crews walked through neighborhoods across south Louisiana, going door to door to inspect meters and electrical equipment. They energized lines where it was safe to do so.
Processes were put into place to ensure the safety of customers, as they remove water-soaked walls and flooring and prepare to rebuild their homes and businesses. The amount of water that entered their structures will determine the actions customers may need to take to have power restored. For more information, go to entergystormcenter.com/.
Customer information centers are open today to assist customers who can’t take power because of flood damage. Information about these centers is available by calling 1-800-9-OUTAGE and selecting option seven. Also, arrangements can be made for flood victims who need extra time to pay their Entergy Louisiana bills by calling 1-800-ENTERGY.
“We thank our customers for their patience during this difficult recovery,” Dawsey said. “It will take us all time to get over this devastating loss for our region, but together we can rebuild and become stronger parishes, cities and communities.”