Greenlee Utility has announced the launch of four new guillotine-style cutting heads for cutting cables and other materials.
The Greenlee Utility SDG45 and SDG55 remote cutting heads are designed to cut ACSR cables and other materials, such as rebar, guy strand and ground rods. Greenlee Utility SDG85 and SDG105 heads are designed to cut large-diameter copper and aluminum cables. A battery-powered Gator version of the SDG105 is also available (ESG105LU), which features single-trigger operation and automatic retraction.
Remote heads allow utility line workers to operate safely away from the cutting location. All four remote guillotine-style heads can be powered by the Greenlee Utility EHP700LU battery-powered hydraulic pump, which provides the user with additional features, such as real-time pressure monitoring, downloadable work history and automatic retraction.
Greenlee Utility|