
Canada's National Energy Board Launches Online Data Tool

Sept. 14, 2016
The NEB will use this format to share pipeline safety data, energy infrastructure mapping, and other topical data.

The National Energy Board (NEB) has launched an innovative online tool; clarifying complex energy supply and demand information into easily understandable visualizations.

This visualization tool, based on the NEB's flagship publication – Canada's Energy Future 2016: Energy Supply and Demand Projections to 2040 – gives Canadians a taste of the exciting new way the NEB will share data going forward. The NEB will use this format to share pipeline safety data, energy infrastructure mapping, and other topical data.

With a few clicks, Canadians can see the type and quantity of energy produced and required in every province and territory, and what that energy mix is forecast to look like decades into the future. These visualizations have more than 200 million unique possibilities. With the degree of customization and interaction built into this tool, each user can tell the story that most interests them.

The NEB is firmly committed to data openness and transparency. All of the data sets behind the visualizations, including the source code, are available through the Government of Canada's Open Government Portal.

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