
Madison, AL 35758


About Hexagon

Empowering an autonomous, sustainable future


305 Intergraph Way
Madison, AL 35758
(800) 766-7701

More Info on Hexagon

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The Hexagon story is about our customers doing well. And how doing well will lead to doing good things for the planet. Efficiency, productivity, quality, safety … these are the antidotes to a planet under siege.

With our solutions, our customers are empowered to turn data into a sustainable, competitive advantage. To make factories more productive, cities safer, industrial facilities more efficient and construction projects more profitable. Hexagon will drive sustainability, growth and shareholder value for years to come by empowering our customers with the freedom to do good by doing well.

Hexagon creates, captures and delivers value across two mega-ecosystems: people and production. The ecosystems that most directly impact people include cities and nations, defense, buildings and infrastructure. Production ecosystems include manufacturing, industrial facilities, mines and farms.