DOE Awards $168 More Million In Grid Resilience Grants To States And Tribes
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has announced the eighth round of Grid Resilience State and Tribal Formula Grants, as part of President Biden’s “Investing in America” initiative.
These grants, totaling nearly $168 million, will be distributed to 11 states, two territories, and 20 tribal nations to modernize the electrical grid, making it more resilient to climate-driven extreme weather and natural disasters while ensuring a reliable power supply.
The Investing in America agenda has already provided over $748 million to states and tribal entities, supporting clean energy and energy cost reduction.
“A modern, reliable grid is a critical feature to expanding access and use of clean power sources,” said U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm. “President Biden’s Investing in America agenda is providing states and Tribes with historic funding to prepare for a more resilient, clean energy future, one that delivers more local jobs and ensures that the lights stay on in the face of extreme weather events.”
As part of the application process, tribes, territories, and states have outlined their specific objectives for grant implementation. Some examples from this latest cohort include Arizona’s mission to enhance grid reliability and resilience, particularly in regions disproportionately affected by power disruptions.
Florida, on the other hand, is prioritizing labor standards and workforce protections for grid-related projects while also addressing energy disparities in disadvantaged communities. Illinois is directing its efforts toward improving resiliency in disadvantaged communities vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. They are simultaneously promoting equity by expanding access and opportunities for underserved residents and businesses.
Over the next five years, the Grid Resilience State and Tribal Formula Grants will allocate a total of $2.3 billion. This distribution will encompass states, territories, and tribes, including Alaska Native Regional Corporations and Alaska Native Village Corporations. The allocation formula takes into account several factors, including land area, population size, probability and severity of disruptive events, and a locality’s historical expenditures on mitigation efforts. The focus is on projects that benefit the community while providing clean, affordable, and reliable energy.
According to the DOE, recipients of Grid Resilience State and Tribal Formula Grant are announced on a rolling basis as applications are received and applications for fiscal years FY 2022 and FY 2023 are now closed.