John Rowley/iStock/Thinkstock

Should Critical Facilities be Required to Have Fully Redundant Systems?

Jan. 9, 2018
A major airport recently experienced an extended outage due to the failure of equipment

A major airport recently experienced an extended outage due to the failure of equipment that apparently impacted not only the primary feed in the airport, but also redundant equipment, which led to an outage that reportedly affected air travel thorough out the U.S. during a busy holiday season.

About the Author

David Shadle | Grid Optimization Editor

Dave joined the T&D World team as the editor of the Grid Optimization Center of Excellence website in January 2016.

Dave is a power industry veteran with a history of leading environmental and development organizations, championing crucial projects, managing major acquisitions and implementing change. Dave is currently a principal at Power Advance, LLC, an independent consulting firm specializing in power project development, research and analysis, due diligence and valuation support. Dave is also a contributing consultant for Transmission & Distribution World. Prior to Power Advance, Dave held business and power project development positions with The Louis Berger Group, Iberdrola Renewables, FPL Energy and General Public Utilities. He is a graduate of Pennsylvania State University, the New Jersey Institute of Technology and Purdue University.

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