
Charles Sweetser: Education is Primary

Feb. 4, 2010
Charles Sweetser has always been involved in teaching courses in power systems going back to his graduate school days.

Charles Sweetser has always been involved in teaching courses in power systems going back to his graduate school days. The electrical engineer said that he cannot imagine doing anything else.

“Education is my primary objective,” Sweetser said. He is technical services manager at OMICRON electronics Corp. where he teaches several power systems courses including Transformer Diagnostic Worskhop and The Application and Practice of Multi-Function Electrical Testing for Substation Assets. He will be presenting Using Sweep Frequency Response Analysis (SFRA) as a Diagnostic Tool for Assessing the Mechanical Integrity of Power Transformers in Boston on March 16 at OMICRON Academy Americas’ training center.

OMICRON, Waltham, Massachussetts, offers training for engineers and technicians from utilities, industrial plants, equipment manufacturers and service companies involved in the commissioning, maintenance and troubleshooting of primary power system assets.

Sweetser said that there is a loss of expertise in the industry, so “if students work hard, great opportunities will be available.” He also tells students to stay involved. “This includes supporting universities, colleges, tech schools and industry groups, such as IEEE and NETA.”

Sweetser himself has stayed involved since he studied power electronics and power systems in graduate school at the University of Maine. “It was clear that my career path would focus on measurements and analysis of substation equipment,” he said, and since then he has published several technical papers for IEEE and other industry forums. He has been a member of IEEE Power & Energy Society for 14 years and actively participates in the IEEE Transformers Committee. He presently holds the position of chair of the FRA Working Group PC57.149. He is also a member of several other working groups and subcommittees.

Sweetser joined OMICRON electronics Corp. USA, in 2009 after working 13 years in the electrical apparatus diagnostic and consulting business. “Our corporate culture promotes the philosophy of creating an atmosphere where we can empower our customers though innovation, education and the sharing of knowledge,” he said.

When he’s not teaching, Sweetser escapes to the outdoors to hunt, boat, and snowmobile, often returning to Maine to enjoy the scenery.

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