TenneT plans to spend approximately EUR 3 billion in the Netherlands constructing new connections and upgrading existing grid infrastructure over the next five to seven years. By undertaking these investments, the electricity transmission operator is aiming to improve the security of supply, while taking the necessary steps towards a sustainable and competitive energy supply system.
Construction to start on high‑voltage connection across Randstad conurbation
With the start of construction work on a new 380-kV electricity connection between Wateringen and Beverwijk early next year, TenneT is embarking on a large‑scale program of investments in the high‑voltage grid. Investment in this new connection for the Randstad conurbation will total approximately EUR 1 billion, coupled with grid upgrades and the construction of several new substations. The project is scheduled for completion in 2013.
Large‑scale investments in other parts of the country
In addition to the new connection in the Randstad region, spatial planning procedures are currently underway for three major infrastructure projects of a similar nature in other parts of the Netherlands. In the next few years, TenneT will be preparing for the construction of two new high‑voltage connections: one between Eemshaven and Diemen, and one in Zeeland province. TenneT is also working on new cross‑border links, including a fourth interconnector with Germany. Smaller regional expansion projects are underway throughout the Netherlands. This year and in 2010, TenneT is constructing several new high‑voltage substations and regional lines in the Westland area and in the North‑East of the country. This will allow horticulture businesses and wind farms to be connected to the grid, so that they can supply sustainably generated energy to customers.
The purpose of all these investments is to ensure that the Netherlands retains an energy infrastructure that is appropriate to the development of a North‑West European energy market. To fund these massive investments, TenneT will be raising capital on both the public and private capital market. Because TenneT’s assets have a predominantly long‑term character, the electricity transmission operator will mainly be looking at long‑term financing arrangements. In the coming period, TenneT expects to be taking concrete steps in this regard together with interested parties.