The memorandum of understanding signed by Sicily’s Councillor for Industry, Pippo Gianni, the Municipality of Augusta and Terna will allow modifying the original project for the 150-kV connection line with the partial underground segment of the line once the new 380-kV "Paterno'-Pantano-Priolo” power line enters into operation. In particular, the new line – which also includes building a new transformation station in Pantano D'Arci with the objective of improving the electricity service’s quality -- will allow full use the electricity produced in the Priolo area and will also increase the electricity system’s safety and efficiency in the Catania area.
Building the new power line and the new 380-kV station in Pantano will also allow upgrading the existing 150-kV grid in the Provinces of Catania and Siracusa, with the electricity grid’s greater reliability and lower territorial impact. The agreement also states that the grid upgrade following the entrance into operation of the 380-kV "Paterno'-Pantano-Priolo" line, will allow implementing a variation in the 150-kV connection with the primary station in Filonero.
Following the building of the connection on the basis of the new project, part of the power line that had already been built will be pulled down.
The solution identified by the memorandum was made possible thanks to the productive collaboration between the Town Councillorship for Industry, Terna spa and the Municipality of Augusta.
The Councillor for Industry of the Sicilian Region, "who had personally taken on the commitment, together with the community, to solve the problem expressed great satisfaction for the agreement, thanks to which, part of the power line already built will be removed".
"Terna too is satisfied with the agreement that has been reached” commented the technicians working at the company that manages the electricity transmission grid: "The collaboration with the municipality of Augusta and with the Town Councillorship for Industry of the Sicilian Region was determining. The solution that was reached will protect the electricity system’s development needs in the area as well as the legitimate interests of the local population. This memorandum also marks a further important step ahead in Terna’s commitment toward sustainable development of the electricity grid in Sicily where the company has already planned investments for over 700 million euros in the next few years."