Quanta Services, Inc. has secured a contract with the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) at an estimated value of up to $194 million over five years. Under the contract, Irby Construction, a Quanta subsidiary, will provide transmission line construction, including right-of-way preparation, environmental controls, structural foundations, structure installation, conductor stringing and energizing of new transmission lines as well as the reconstruction of existing transmission lines.
"LCRA has shown vision and forethought in planning for the future of its transmission infrastructure, as well as executing quickly to avoid potential congestion on the grid," said John R. Colson, chairman and chief executive officer, Quanta Services. "Through this arrangement with Quanta, LCRA has secured access to a trained, experienced workforce to maintain and upgrade its power delivery system for the next five years."
The work Quanta will perform under the contract will contribute to LCRA's approved plans to expand transmission infrastructure through several new and upgraded transmission line projects. Quanta has performed various infrastructure services for LCRA over the past three years, including a variety of transmission projects throughout the Central Texas area in 2006.
"These projects are needed to improve the reliability of the state's electric transmission system and address regional electric system concerns," said Ross Phillips, executive manager of LCRA Transmission Services. "Load growth, new power plants and the region's growing population continue to increase the need to bring electric power to Central Texas and the Energy Reliability Council of Texas grid."