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FOCUS ON: Distributed Energy Resources eBook

Jan. 30, 2021
Find out how top utilities are implementing DER in this comprehensive compendium of articles from editors at T&D World and Utility Analytics Institute. Take away key insights to create your DER strategy checklist.

This ebook covers Distributed Energy Resources - from analytics to implementation!

What's Inside:

  • How to Determine the Right Mix of DER
  • DER Control with Grid Edge Analytics
  • Maintain Safe DER Connectivity
  • How Much DER Fits?
  • Advanced Analytics and the Development of New Markets and Regulatory Mechanisms
  • Utilities collaborate on open-source software

Download T&D World's eBook FOCUS ON: Distributed Energy Resources…                 

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Photo Courtesy of Hitachi Energy.
Rather than being parked and taking up valuable footprint at one of its facilities, the mobile transformer remains securely housed at a Hitachi Energy facility.
Photo by E.ON.
While covered conductors were developed to protect power continuity for customers during Nordic storms, it also can be used for other applications. For example, it is being used in Australia to cut wildfire risk.