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FOCUS ON: Distributed Energy Resources eBook

Jan. 30, 2021
Find out how top utilities are implementing DER in this comprehensive compendium of articles from editors at T&D World and Utility Analytics Institute. Take away key insights to create your DER strategy checklist.

This ebook covers Distributed Energy Resources - from analytics to implementation!

What's Inside:

  • How to Determine the Right Mix of DER
  • DER Control with Grid Edge Analytics
  • Maintain Safe DER Connectivity
  • How Much DER Fits?
  • Advanced Analytics and the Development of New Markets and Regulatory Mechanisms
  • Utilities collaborate on open-source software

Download T&D World's eBook FOCUS ON: Distributed Energy Resources…                 

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Photo by Georgia Power Transmission Co.
Georgia Power Transmission Co. lines run across terrain that is sometimes mountainous, hilly, forested, crowded and urban or remote and rural.