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RWE to Procure Energy Storage System from LG Energy Solution for Co-Located Solar Projects

Sept. 1, 2021
Delivery of battery energy storage systems scheduled in second half of 2022

RWE Renewables signed contracts with LG Energy Solution to provide an integrated battery energy storage system (BESS) for two of RWE's upcoming projects with co-located solar PV facilities in the U.S.

The supply contract secures more than 800 MWh of battery storage capacity (deployed on over 200 MW of storage systems) to be installed at two of RWE's solar projects in the U.S.

LG Energy Solution New Grid-scale Energy Storage System (Modular type-2.8 MWh/unit) is an integrated BESS comprised of pre-assembled transportable battery enclosures. Delivery of the systems is scheduled for the second half of 2022.

RWE will leverage its energy storage technical capabilities to enhance LG Energy Solution's offering by providing detailed project design, modeling, system integration and the Energy Management System software platform to ensure a safe and reliable operation of the assets.

The U.S. accounts for more than one third of the RWE Group's renewables capacity playing a key role in RWE's strategy to grow its renewables business and get to net zero by 2040. RWE constructs, owns and operates some of the highest performing solar, energy storage and wind projects in the U.S. The RWE group is currently executing more than 1 GWh of energy storage projects globally.

As an established leader in renewables, RWE has entered into a joint venture, New England Aqua Ventus, focused on floating offshore wind in the state of Maine. Additionally, RWE recently joined in a partnership with National Grid Ventures to explore opportunities in the U.S. offshore wind market. This includes an intention to jointly bid in the upcoming New York Bight seabed lease auction.

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