Aclara System Gives PSE Customers Control

Feb. 1, 2009
Puget Sound Energy has implemented Aclara's Customer Moves Center, which allows utility customers to start, stop and transfer electric and natural gas service online.

Puget Sound Energy (Bellevue, Washington, U.S.) has implemented Aclara's Customer Moves Center, which allows utility customers to start, stop and transfer electric and natural gas service online. PSE also recently deployed Aclara's paperless billing and e-mail notification solutions to eliminate paper statements and ensure customers receive bills in a timely manner.

Customer Moves and paperless billing are the latest software solutions from Aclara implemented by PSE. The utility employs Aclara Software's energy- and bill-analysis software to empower customers to control and reduce energy usage. The applications all work from within Aclara's dashboard application, a user interface that provides a single screen from which customers can manage their accounts. PSE also uses Aclara Software's call-center solution to automate customer contact.

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