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7 Resources for the IVM Journey

July 5, 2023
Integrated Vegetation Management (IVM) strategies aren’t one-size-fits-all. There are numerous considerations to keep in mind. These resources can help ensure your IVM journey is well-equipped for success.

You work hard to ensure the integrity of utility infrastructure, and the strategies you use to control incompatible vegetation should do the same. Employing an IVM-based approach to managing problematic trees and other incompatible plant species can help prevent interruptions in utility service, improve environmental conservation and make the most of annual resources.

For more detailed information to help you make the most of your IVM program, check out these resources:

 Habitat With Herbicides

  • Successful herbicide programs and management techniques help utility companies and their vegetation management partners enhance the development of biodiverse wildlife habitat. HabitatWithHerbicides.com details IVM success stories and research insights as well as information about like-minded organizations that have partnered with Corteva Agriscience to further habitat enhancement throughout utility rights-of-way.   


  • For more than 30 years, the Vistas® newsletter has covered strategies, trends and stories from across the vegetation management industry. Get a firsthand look at how fellow vegetation managers and applicators across the country are successfully implementing IVM practices into their respective programs.

Wildfire Prevention and Restoration

  • The damage wildfires have caused in recent years emphasize the importance of prevention and restoration efforts. This resource shares planning resources and technical guidance to help you manage habitats, forestry sites and grasslands.

Utility Vegetation Management

  • Incompatible vegetation poses a persistent threat to utility infrastructure and adjacent ecosystems. Find products, solutions, support and expertise that can help you simultaneously enhance electrical transmission reliability and environmental sustainability through an IVM-based approach.

The Cost Efficiency of IVM

  • This report from John W. Goodfellow establishes a business case for IVM practices throughout energy rights-of-way, both in terms of cost savings and the environmental benefits they provide. Findings from the report’s least cost analysis study indicate the economic benefits of embracing an IVM-based approach to ROW maintenance.

Notify Your Neighbor

  • An effective notification program can enhance compliance, reduce complaints and increase treatment efficiency. Notify Your Neighbor provides a variety of resources, including instructional videos and informative brochures, to help you enhance landowner communications and proactively influence property owners who have questions about herbicide use. 

Vegetation Education

  • Ensuring right-of-way (ROW) safety and accessibility requires smart strategies and innovative solutions. The Vegetation Education platform delivers product fact sheets, application guides, rate cards and self-guided trainings to help you integrate industry-leading products and strategies seamlessly into your ROW management program.

For more resources, guidance and industry-leading expertise concerning the implementation of IVM strategies, contact your local vegetation management specialist.

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