The NETL Modern Grid Initiative (MGI) has licensed Advanced Control Sytems’ distribution system simulator, called XpertSim, for use in MGI’s technology test and validation program.
MGI is a project conducted by the Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) for the Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability. ACS participates in MGI along with a wide range of utility company delegates, technology providers, researchers, and government officials. The goal of MGI is to advance a shared national smart grid vision for a fully modernized power system. MGI is delivering on this by bringing together key participants to create a common framework that gains the consensus of all stakeholders – science, industry, commerce, consumers, environmentalists and others – through an open, accountable process. ACS is a consistent and ardent supporter of open integration standards and technology interoperability programs.MGI is deploying the ACS simulator to model, test and validate new smart grid, renewable, and distributed energy technologies in order to evaluate their effect on distribution system performance. The benefits and operational characteristics of these technologies will be evaluated in real-time using a dynamic transient simulation of an actual distribution feeder network.