Wisconsin Public Service recently added to its arsenal of on-line customer service applications for commercial customers a new application called “My Account Overview.” Using a Dashboard-style approach, the on-line application combines "intelligent" presentment of billing information with interactive tools to help answer billing-related questions from small and mid-size business customers.
“The reaction from our commercial customers has been tremendous,” said Dan Carlson, product development team leader at WPS. “Our customers like it. Without any promotion of the Dashboard, we have experienced almost a 6-fold increase in traffic from this segment, and with upcoming promotions and planned upgrades to the Dashboard, this number should definitely increase.”
The WPS Business Dashboard, part of Nexus Energy Software’s ENERGYprism product line, will add new functionality this month that will provide customer-specific personalized recommendations and promotions based on the user’s profile, so WPS can target market relevant and specific utility services to interested customers.
“WPS has consistently recognized the vital role of technologies to help its customers make more efficient use of energy,” said Harvey Michaels, CEO of Nexus Energy Software. “Supported by advanced modeling, the WPS Business Dashboard provides WPS customers with actionable information, including benchmarks and personalized bill-reducing strategies that provide the business owners and managers with the information they need to make energy-related decisions. As a result, demand is reduced, customers save money, and the electric system is more efficient and secure.”
According to Carlson, the Business Dashboard is successful with WPS clients because it is relevant to their individual circumstances.
“Our research showed that commercial customers are busy people and they want their utility programs to be relevant and specific to their type of businesses,” he explained. “The Business Dashboard, with its personalized look and feel, meets this need by conveniently placing needed services at their fingertips.”