RMEL held a Safety Roundtable Aug. 10, 2007 at Platte River Power Authority in Fort Collins, Colorado.
The August Safety Roundtable featured a presentation from Ed Hunt, Foreman III Lines for Western Area Power Authority. His presentation outlined two of the most common problems associated with industry accidents: inadequate communication between crew members and a lack of knowledge regarding safety procedures. Hunt provided ways in which teams can improve informal lines of communication in addition to offering insight into industry tools available to help promote safer work environments.
RMEL Safety Roundtables provide an opportunity to interface with other in the electric energy industry and focus on safety. All attendees received a continuing education certificate worth 1.0 professional development hour issued by RMEL.
The final Safety Roundtable in 2007 is scheduled for Nov. 2. This Roundtable will be at Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, and the topic of discussion will be decided upon in the next few weeks. There is no registration fee, but participants are required to RSVP. Lunch is provided complimentary and attendees will receive a continuing education certificate worth 1.0 professional development hour issued by RMEL.
Next year, RMEL is hosting several safety events including four Safety Roundtables. Be sure to check the RMEL web site and Education Catalog for safety events offered throughout the year.