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Heimdall Power Secures Second Contract for System-Wide Capacity Monitoring

May 8, 2024
Heimdall Power’s software and sensors will provide real-time information on the actual transmission capacity and help Fagne identify additional available capacity in its existing power grid.

Heimdall Power and the Norwegian DSO, Fagne have signed an agreement to digitize the latter’s whole regional transmission grid in Haugalandet, Sunnhordland, inner Ryfylke and parts of Hardanger as well as increase the utilization of the power grid in the region.

Fagne, an electric utility headquartered in Haugesund, supplies electricity to about 150,000 residents and its grid operations are based on estimates. A combination of software and sensors from Heimdall Power will provide real-time information on the actual transmission capacity and help Fagne identify additional available capacity in its existing power grid.

The project comprises of digitizing Fagne’s entire regional transmission grid, with a planned start-up before summer 2024. The contract includes 70 physical sensors-Neurons and several virtual sensors-Virtual Neurons.

“In kilometers, Fagne’s power grid is longer than all the national roads in Norway combined,” said Kristoffer Vannes, Director at Fagne. “This technology enables us to effectively overview large geographical areas with power grids.”

The agreement follows a project between Heimdall Power and Elvia for system-wide capacity monitoring announced in the fall of 2023. The project is Heimdall Power’s second full-scale deployment which will digitize the company’s overall power lines.

“With this system-wide deployment, we expect to be able to make at least 30% additional capacity available in Fagne’s grid,” said Jorgen Festervoll, CEO of Heimdall Power.

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