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TVA Supports Efforts to Mitigate Risks to Nation's Electric Grid

Dec. 31, 2020
The Tennessee Valley Authority backs the Department of Energy's actions to protect the electric grid from external threats.

The Tennessee Valley Authority supports the actions taken by the Department of Energy to secure the nation’s bulk-power system against external threats.  U.S. Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette has issued an order designed to reduce the risks to the nation’s bulk power system by prohibiting transactions involving specific electric equipment that pose an undue risk to the bulk-power system, carrying out Executive Order 13920 of May 1, 2020, Securing the United States Bulk-Power System.

TVA works around the clock to ensure the resiliency and reliability of its grid to serve the people of the Tennessee Valley, and it works jointly with other government agencies, industry groups and its utility peers to ensure the security of the nation’s bulk power system.  TVA will continue enhancing its supply chain and operational risk management in support of a coordinated federal effort, and TVA will ensure national security is considered as part of its bulk-power system purchases.

“In recognition of the changing threat landscape, we are committed to working with the Department of Energy to mitigate risks across TVA’s territory through continued information sharing,” said Jeff Lyash, TVA’s Chief Executive Officer.

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