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Navigating the Constant in Life

Aug. 18, 2021
In recent weeks, I’ve experienced my share of change. The fact that I’m writing this column for T&D World magazine is proof of that.

Heraclitus, the Greek philosopher said, “The only constant in life is change.” I often feel the changes we’re seeing today must be the most extreme in the history of the world, and I suspect many of you feel the same. When I consider, however, that Heraclitus lived in the late 6th Century BCE, I realize that humans have and always will experience change. Life is about changes.

In recent weeks, I’ve experienced my share of change. The fact that I’m writing this column for T&D World magazine is proof of that.

Some of you might know me from the more than 20 years that I wrote articles and columns for a competitor magazine, or maybe you recognize me because I helped organize the DISTRIBUTECH International event for many years and often spoke there. I’ve spent more than 25 years writing articles, attending industry events and meeting with the people who literally electrify the world, and I’ve loved it. I’m happy that I can continue to do those things in my new position as Vice President of Content for Energy at Endeavor Business Media. I’m certainly not famous like Peyton Manning or Tom Brady, but I can relate to the excitement, anticipation, uncertainty and a hint of sadness they probably felt when they left the teammates and football organizations with which they felt so comfortable and moved on to other teams to continue to do what they loved. Those moves worked out well for them, and I’m confident this move will work out well for me.

I’m thrilled to be on the T&D World team. It’s a publication that I’ve admired and respected for many years. I’m also excited to be working with the talented, highly respected and hard-working men and women who make up Endeavor’s energy business. But, most of all, I’m happy that I can continue to do what I love — connect with experts and create content that will help inform and educate those individuals dealing with the changes and challenges in the electric power delivery industry.

Drivers of Electricity Industry Change

The electricity industry has experienced tremendous change in the past 15 to 20 years, and that change is not slowing. It’s impossible to deny that climate change is real, is accelerating and is creating a lot of havoc in our world. The need to slow climate change and reverse some of its effects are driving much of the changes occurring in the electricity industry. This industry, as well as many others, such as transportation, manufacturing, and data mining and processing, construction and more, are committed to decarbonizing. Many have announced their intention to meet net zero carbon emissions by 2050 or sooner. As a result, the race to improve energy efficiency, electrify transportation, increase the use of renewable energy plus energy storage, digitalize equipment and systems is on. These efforts are admirable and necessary, but they’ve disrupted the electric power industry and created many challenges. Of course, climate change also has directly impacted grid operators by causing extreme weather events that have tested the grid’s resiliency and illuminated its vulnerabilities.

Grid owners and operators face multi-dimensional challenges. They must modernize the grid to ensure it can stand up to the forces of nature, integrate the intermittent generation sources, much of which is being added on the grid’s edge, and even adapt to load shifts as more of the workforce chooses to work from home. Technology change is not enough. Solving these challenges will require changes in business, operations and regulatory models.

T&D World’s Strategy to Change

For 72 years, T&D World has provided utility professionals with critical information that has helped them navigate change and keep electricity flowing, and that’s one thing that is not changing. T&D World remains committed to keeping you up to date on the latest industry happenings and educating you on the newest technologies and solutions available. While written content in the magazine, e-newsletters and on the website have been and will continue to be a main communication avenue for T&D World, they’re certainly not the only way we’re bringing you valuable information. Other media avenues include webinars, podcasts, and video interviews, as well as face-to-face events like Utility Analytics Institute (UAI). And, speaking of UAI, it just launched an online training program on electric utility data analytics being taught by instructors from the University of Oklahoma. So far it has been a hit. You can learn more about the courses on the UAI website: utilityanalytics.com.

Also, in 2020, we launched our recurring online event series called Power Up. We continued it in 2021 and plan to do the same in 2022. All the live online sessions previously presented are available on demand, so if you couldn’t attend when the live sessions aired, make sure you visit our website to find the extensive list of free on-demand webinars that include the Power Up sessions, as well as upcoming sessions.

In addition to all of this, we’ve planned even more new offerings for you. We’ll provide more details on those in the coming weeks and months.

I, along with all the T&D World team, recognize that change is constant and that knowledge is an important tool in successfully preparing for and managing change. We see and understand the changes occurring in the power delivery industry and are committed to not only keeping you informed and educated, but also to providing you information through various avenues, helping ensure we’re meeting your needs.

Again, I’m thrilled to be leading T&D World’s and Endeavor’s energy content team. Please feel free contact me if you have thoughts or suggestions on how we can help you: [email protected]

About the Author

Teresa Hansen

Teresa Hansen is Endeavor Business Media’s Vice President of Content – Energy, where she is be responsible for content published in T&D World, Utility Products, and Energy Tech, Endeavor’s newest media brand in the energy franchise. In this role, Teresa is responsible for Utility Analytics, which includes two face-to-face events, Utility Analytics Week and Utility Analytics Summit.

Teresa has spent her entire career in the electricity industry. Prior to joining Endeavor, she was Vice President of Global Content at Clarion Energy. In this role she was responsible for all content presented at POWERGEN International, DISTRIBUTECH International and HYDROVISION International, as well as the content published on Clarion Energy’s North American media brands—POWERGRID International, Power Engineering, Renewable Energy World and Hydro Review. Teresa has 25 years’ experience as a technical writer and conference content creator, with 20 years at Clarion Energy (formerly PennWell). Her previous energy-related experience includes 13 years of service at a nuclear power plant and a brief stint as a senior research analyst for an energy marketing and trading company.

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