Pepco Holdings Inc. has entered into an enterprise-wide license agreement to deploy a comprehensive grid analytics solution from Landis+Gyr across its service territories. The analytics package includes a suite of applications aimed at enhancing asset life, reliability and distribution system optimization.
PHI's operating companies, including Pepco, Delmarva Power and Atlantic City Electric, will deploy six analytics applications for visulization, planning and real-time operational analytics support. The core objective for PHI's analytics project is to provide greater analysis, prediction, optimization and decision making capabilities. This includes the management of network assets, load balancing, volt/VAR optimization, outage management and restoration, reliability, outage detection, and improved fault isolation and system restoration.
"Grid analytics represent the next step for a utility like ours that already has access to data across the distribution system and is planning for ways to get the most value for our customers," said William Gausman, PHI's Senior Vice President for Strategic Initiatives. "Our employees will be able to analyze data and visualize planning processes like never before, while monitoring and enhancing our distribution service."
PHI announced the deployment earlier this year of the GRIDplan Reliability module that is part of the analytics suite developed by GRIDiant, which was acquired in June by Landis+Gyr.
"This project represents the first major deployment of an enterprise-wide, physics-based grid analytics platform by a utility in North America," said Prasanna Venkatesan, Executive Vice President for Landis+Gyr Americas region. "For PHI and many other utilities, analytics represent the next step in achieving ongoing benefits from smart grid investments already made, and have the potential to solve many of the challenges associated with new uses of energy and distributed generation resources."
Landis+Gyr's advanced grid analytics suite is driven by the distinct usage of the distribution network model and over 12 years of development, validation, and testing of very sophisticated physics based algorithms combined with data from across the utility and helps to visualize, simulate, predict, and optimize management of the grid.