Survalent Technology has commissioned a new Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system for North East Mississippi Electric Power Association.
North East MS EPA's, headquarter in Oxford, Mississippi, serves approximately 18,600 customers in parts of Lafayette, Marshall, Union, Pontotoc, and Benton counties. They maintain 1908 miles of line in 920-square-mile service area.
The new system features Survalent's open-architecture system based on Windows Server 2008. The system includes several of Survalent's open system applications, including: Command Sequencing, Event Data Recorder, IED Wizard, Control Panel, Remote Alarm Annunciation, and SCADA Add-in for MS Excel and Access.
"The new system also includes our MultiSpeak applications, including our AMI interface based on MultiSpeak 4.0," states Steve Strauss, VP Sales Eastern Region, Survalent Technology. "We recently completed tests with a leading AMI supplier for meter ping and read response initiated by our SCADA master. Providing our customers with this type of system interoperability will allow them to achieve the promise of the Smart Grid."