AVEVA has released a new business paper: Defining anEngineering Information Management (EIM) Strategy by means of a Maturity Model. The paper explains how an EIM Maturity Model can help owner-operators assess their current Information Management capabilities and to identify an effective strategy for raising them to best-practice status.
Owner-operators in the power industry need a sophisticated means of managing the vast quantities of continuously evolving information used throughout the lifecycle of their assets. The new business paper defines a five level maturity model for Information Management across typical key business functions. This practical, working guide enables an organization to rank its current capability in order to plan a progressive, focused program to develop the use of its entire information asset to help ensure and demonstrate regulatory compliance and improve safe, efficient operations.
“Effective EIM is extremely challenging given the large number of systems that generate and store engineering information and the many complex business processes that rely on this information,” said Derek Middlemas, COO & Head of Enterprise Solutions, AVEVA. “Rather than prescribing a one-size-fits-all approach, this unique methodology helps our customers to break down, assess and solve their current Information Management challenges in a manageable, stepwise manner that aligns with their specific business goals. It also encourages the use of existing technology investments to gain early and significant benefits.
The paper defines the characteristics of the five levels of Information Management maturity and provides recommendations for how to progress to successive levels. It also summarises how such an EIM strategy can be progressively executed using Information Management solutions from the AVEVA Enterprise portfolio.